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    1. Adopts the BF's technology of Germany,
        advanced technological flow.
    2.The molecular sieve adopts vibration or
       advanced German snowstorm type filling
       method, the filling is close and does not
        have the dead space...
      PSA carbon molecular sieve...
    Membrane separation nitro...
    Hydrogenation deoxygen...
    Carbon deoxygen machine...
    Ammonia decomposition ...
    Hydrogen making machine..
    Hydrogen purifying machine
    PSA small nitrogen-making set
    Germany burkert valve
    Germany burkert valve
    Germany BF molecule sieve
      Gas industry has a bright future. As an important industrial material,the product of gas industry has appled to metallurgy, steel, petroleum, chemical industry, electron, medicine, enviromental protection and food etc.
    Company is located in Qingyang town,Jiangyin city in the Yangtze Delta,with a convenient transportantion system.Owning..          ...more>>>
      Add: NO.1578,Xicheng Road, Qingyang town of Jiangyin
    Tel: +86-510-86514298,86511224
    Fax: +86-510-86518756,86501312
    Contact:Bin Shen +86-13812021531

    I.D. :
      @ changjiang-gas.com
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