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      PSA carbon molecular sieve...
    Membrane separation nitro...
    Hydrogenation deoxygen...
    Carbon deoxygen machine...
    Ammonia decomposition ...
    Hydrogen making machine..
    Hydrogen purifying machine
    PSA small nitrogen-making set
    Germany burkert valve
    Germany burkert valve
    Germany BF molecule sieve

    Purchase of fittings
    Add:      Zip:
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    Product name Type Purchase ammount Producing area

    Automatic drainage valve

    AD-34 Pieces Taiwan
    educing valve  QTY  Pieces Shangdong
    QTY  Pieces Shangdong

    Programming controller

      Pieces Seimens
      Pieces Seimens
      Pieces Japan KOYO
      Pieces Japan KOYO
    Pneumatic valve DN- Pieces Germany
    DN- Pieces Germany
    Flowmeter LZB- - Pieces Changzhou
    Electrothermal tube 1KW Pieces Wuxi
    2KW Pieces Wuxi
    3KW Pieces Wuxi
    4KW Pieces Wuxi
    5KW Pieces Wuxi
    6KW Pieces Wuxi
    7KW Pieces Wuxi
    8KW Pieces Wuxi

    Intelligent oxygen measuring meter

    Type YHL sets

    Institute 703 of China Aviation
    Science and Technology Group

    Applying for training of equipment operation





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    requirement for gas

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    Purity of gas:
    Flux of gas:
    Pressure of gas:
    Other requirement:
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    Providing auxiliary service:
    Cost performance analysis of the same kind product On-spot investigation

    Other service:

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